Steve Dawes
Head Coach - Newcastle Outrigger Canoe Club
Sporting experience: 45 years racing 4-15m multihulls & mono’s combined with a dotted history in squash/tennis/rugby league/car rallying.
Started paddle sports via dragon boats at Masters Games, Newcastle 2001, progressing to representing Australia in World events 2003 -7 (China, Europe, Sabah, Sydney).
Connection to Outrigging began 2002 with the attraction of sharing the open ocean experience & as cross training for dragon boating. Instrumental in getting NOCC started with some help from Port Stephens Outrigger Canoe Club in Aug 2009. Raced in some great places with great crews incl Cook Is, Hamilton Is, Takapuna NZ, Norfolk Is. Currently National OC2 outrigger Golden Master Champ.
Coaching experience: all ages in sailing; assistant coach National dragon boat teams and the last 20 years outrigging. OC1 single person Outrigger Canoe OC2 two person, OC6 six person canoe